But first. . . .This is who I get to play with every Thursday morning. It's a miracle he doesn't have bite marks on his cheeks.
Baking Christmas wonderland--Part I--Wednesday
Owen, Liesl and Clara love to make our annual "Christmas Wonderland". This consists of a Christmas Tree with a Train around it. It involves LOTS of frosting, candy and creativity.
Ta Da!!! (I should have taken a picture of my kitchen floor).
Part II: Thursday Same thing only different kidlets.
Even 12 year olds enjoy it.
Kitchen floor, again, not photographed.
Ta Da!!!
Random picture of these four. So darling.
Part III--Friday at Charlie's 1st grade class. Each student was allowed to invite an "adult" to participate in the annual "gingerbread house" decorating day.
"Gramma, we can invite a parent, a grandparent, an aunt-tee or an adult friend. I choose YOU" I had to hold back the tears.
I found this gingerbread-type house to be a SUPERIOR concept from my point of view. Graham crackers, a milk carton for stability . . you get the picture. No baking, very little clean up and just as much creativity and fun. This idea may be enlarged for next year and replace actual baking. We'll see.
It was more fun than a barrel of monkeys. And this one IS a monkey.