Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ode to UV and "Casey at the Bat"

Landee mentioned UV in her AI comments today and prompted this post. For those of you who sadly, never got to see UV perform "Casey at the Bat"--you might enjoy these pictures. Some history: Cris toured Europe with the BYU International Folk Dancers in 1967 (while I was touring Four Corners Utah). He was THE Hot Guy on the tour and all the girls loved him. Can you blames them?
Anyway, they needed some 'filler' acts from time to time during costume changes, at Youth Firesides and the like. Cris had memorized "Casey at the Bat" for a high school class and he and his fellow dancers decided to crank it up a notch and have him perform it as a Little Man. It takes two people and some staging. This particular performance is at the 2002 Jeppson Reunion in McCall. Kevin and cousin JD are helping hold the props and those are my arms. (You had to be there--but it was hilarious)

He will be fondly remembered by nieces, nephews and the older grandchildren as the supreme CASEY AT THE BAT. Thanks for the shout out Landee.


Shed said...

Cris was THE man!

Memzy said...

He. Is. So. Adorable!!!!!

Elder Jack Anderson said...

Obviously I can never even THINK about that poem without thinking about UV the Midget. I think that when he did that when I was about 7 or 8 it was the first time I had ever even heard that poem. The fact that the mighty Casey had struck out pierced my soul. WHAT???

Love him & love you.

gelly said...

Definitely one of my all-time favorite memories of you two!

E said...

Why oh why isn't there video of this?!

Cris was a handsome devil. He reminds me of his grandson, Brains. Spitting image almost. It's uncanny.