This is part one of our Family Gathering last week. It was something special for many reasons. My computer is not behaving well tonight so I will just give you a taste of the fun we had.
Christine taking care of her Papa. They have this Love/Love thing going between them. She loves him--he thinks she is the sun and moon. We made pancakes and eggs with these little beauties. . . . .
We decorated flip flops. . . . .
And head bands. . . .
Aaaaaannnnddd. . .then we had the famous Trivial Pursuit game. Three teams--the brothers, the in laws, the uncle/cousin. Those hanging their heads lost--those smiling with thumbs up won--except for Nick--the brother team did not win yet again.
And then there was the geek version of the running man. . . .
I woulda done a much better running man had I not been completely debilitated from laughing at the other peoples attempts.
You know I'm right.
Tracy nailed it. I am srsly disappointed Memz. This is YOUR DANCE FHS!
Heart the art projects! Um. But why couldn't us girlers make some too? Showing favritts.... ::: single tear :::
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