Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Oregon Weekend---TaDa

We decided to drive to Medford to visit Kevin and family last weekend. The colors were unbelievable. Seriously.
This is their neighborhood. Beautiful.
The fun we had. . . . .this is just an example.
Luke and Seth. Handsome dudes.

"Everywhere that Papa went, Papa went, Papa went. Everywhere that Papa went, Ricky was sure to go". He kept singing interesting versions of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" with his own lyrics which included stuff about Papa's chair, etc. Hilarious.

Rachel and Ricky are good buddies. Can you tell Ricky just woke up?
We were able to watch Christine's dance class on Saturday but my pictures didn't turn out well through the glass observation window. So no pictures of Christine dancing. She's beautiful.
A beautiful family. We loved our visit so much. They always lift our spirits, make us laugh, entertain and love us. What's not to love about that?


Memzy said...

That's it. I'm filing for full custody of Mr Ricky tomorrow. Cuz today is Veteran's Day.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

So THAT is where you've been! Cute kids. Cute kids. Be honest, were you pointing to yourself with your eyebrows raised when Ricky was trying to answer the question "Who loves you?"

I know you were.

Larkin Legacy said...

So did Emily photoshop those fall tree photos...they really are so beautiful they look fake! (We know they're not). Glad you enjoyed your trip.

gelly said...

Fun fun! Cute grandkids!

E said...

Red trees? That's unnatural. Freaky. Those are some handsome grandkids!