Background story: Last year many aunts and girl cousins decided to contribute quilt squares for a Jeppson Family quilt. That is to say--each person made 18 of the same square and then we all exchanged squares at the reunion. Kimmerz (aka Princess Kimmi) suggested we offer her master sewing services at the family auction for those who didn't want to make their own quilt. Genius!!! I was the first and highest hand raised. Here is the finished product--lovingly assembled by Princess Kimmi and quilted by Uncle Jack (my brother, aka RQM= Real Men Quilt). The pictures doesn't do it justice. Each square is a work of art by the contributor and Kimmerz' borders, corners, filler squares are perfect. Enlarge the picture for maximum pleasure and enjoy the videos. I had to upload it in two parts because the file was too large to send in one piece.
Clara said it all. Thanks Kimmerz. You ROCK!!
I told you it was hard to take a picture of and capture it's true awesomeness! I'm so glad you like it. RodTodd didn't want to mail it...he wanted to keep it..just so you know..but he's crazy like that. Love you bunches and bunches.
She's like an artist! I bet that is the best money you've ever donated to the Jeppson fund, huh?
PS It seems Clara just likes whatever square she is looking at at the time you ask the question. "I yike dis one."
Um nooooo....clearly she LIKED DIS WON DA BEST TOOOOOO...
Ya meanie.
and p.s.s. the reason it's awesome is because all my rellies made adorable squares. I just patched together the missing pieces. Just to clarify that I'm not being a total narcissist when I go on and on about how totally special it is. kthanks.
I have yet to see it in person but I'm witholding onnacuzza the "green with envy" complexion doesn't look so good on me.
Beau-ti-ful! Well done Kimmerz and Uncle Jack!
By the way, sorry this is so late but...
Happy Birthday!!!
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