Friday, November 21, 2008

Favorite Foto Friday--Best pictures yet!

Today Cris and I were invited to attend the Special Ed Thanksgiving luncheon at the District Office. These are very special friends and co-workers and they so kindly invite Cris to come back from time to time to "party." (Spec Ed people know how to party). The food was incredible, the company great and fun was had by all.

This is Sharon, Gina and Susan.

They had a surprise for Cris complete with personalized singing message.

The Psychologists presented him with a beautiful quilt made by Sharon. He was blown away!!

It's gorgeous and he loved it. This will be put to good use and remind him every day of dear friends. Thanks so much for all your love and support.
Then it was "show and tell time" and he did a little walking for them. (Applause followed) How can he help but get better and better with so many people cheering him on.

Thanks everyone!! Happy Thanksgiving to all.


Elder Jack Anderson said...

Look at him in his shirt & tie & everything!! Amazing. You gize are truly loved.

J-Lo said...

How fun to be surrounded by good friends.

Memzy said...

SRSLY he cleaned up niiiice! Glad you took pictures!

Anniebananie said...

Oh you look so good! Love the quilt too! I am a little quilt biased, but those ones made with pure love are the best! So glad you are walking, hope everyday just gets less painful! Hugs!

DCAja said...