Charlie wanted a date this week so we decided Wednesday would be the day and cooking would be the fun. He asked for an apron so as not to get "sticky stuff" all over my clothes. (This is how it looked on the cake pan box) This is his version. . . .mighty good . . . .mighty good. Some cooks make a pretty big mess but he's very good about cyeaning up after himself. (That is not a typo---that's how he says it).
When he was all done he noticed the floor was VERY wet and dirty. "Gramma, do you have a mop?" "Yes, Charlie, I do. . .would you like to use it?" "Yup" There are no words for this one. . . . it speaks for itself.
As he rounded the corner, the TV caught his attention and it was all she wrote.
Today is Papa's 64 birthday. Did you know it takes TWO cakes to get 64 candles properly lit? The smoke alarm threatend to go off. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful gifts, cards and phone calls. It was a great day.
"Gramma, Papa's arms don't work so I'll open his cards and presents for him, OK? Owen and Liesl helped too. Nifty neck pillow good for traveling, watching TV or sleeping. He's showing off the features of his new chair. The kids reeeeeeaaalllyy want to drive it but federal and state laws prohibit it. (That's what we're telling them)
I volunteered to watch Liesl and Clara today while Becca worked in Owen's class. The operative word is "watch"--which I didn't for about 30 seconds. The result--an empty Kleenex box. She's sooooo fast.
Gramma--why did you put this bowbow on my head?
Actually, I look pretty cute!
OK--it's bugging me. . . . . .
Take it off!!! It's squeezing my head!!!! Somebody help me!!
We took a short trip to see Nick, Lori and the girls this week and had a great time. It's always fun to be with loved ones, especially beautiful grandchildren. I'm not biased--they're beautiful.
Natasha--8 1/2 Isabella 5 yrs. old.
Dinner at the "M"
Wednesday we went to the Springs Preserve--a desert animal habitat/museum. It was great. We ate lunch at Wolfgang Puck's restaurant. Great food.
Papa making friends with other wheelchair comrades.
A bonus--we met Jenny and family at Panera's in Henderson. It was so fun to meet these blogger/cousin/relatives/new friends. They are just as fun/cute/nice as everyone said they were. Their boys were a hoot--fun, funny and very well behaved. Strange thing though--they did not know about Panera's. They seem so techno savvy, smart, educated--how could they not know about Panera's. I called Emily and inquired, "How many cinnamon crunch bagels do you want us to bring you"? Her response, "As many as will fit in the back of your car". I rest my case.
I sort of wanted to steel those boys and bring them to Bakersfield with us.
What the heck is this, you say? One huge swarming beehive in our back yard. The Gardner's knocked on the door today and said, "Juhabe a beegbeehibe in ju tree" (Spanglish)
Presto-pronto I call our pest control guy. He's there is one hour. Bless his little soul.
Yes, folks, that's a sack of bees in his hand. He scares them with a blast from his air hose. They drop into the bag. He closes the bag and runs to his truck. He said he will let them go in an orchard. I wanted him to kill them. but whatever. He's giving me the thumbs up through the locked patio door. Not gonna open it for him. No sireey.