Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pure joy !!

I know you must be getting tired of my posting grandkid pictures but I can't seem to stop. I promise on Fave Foto Friday to be more creative. I have a killer video of Emily jazz dancing at age 11 that would put any hip hop exercise class to shame. I'm trying to decide if I should ask permission first or just do it. Hmmmmm.

Today Clara and Liesl were over for a play date and I brought out the new ballet skirts purchased at Target yesterday. You can see why I couldn't resist. This is at 8:30 A.M. so cut me some slack on my no makeup and scroungy pj's. Clara got tired and within 5 minutes she was asleep on my pillows. Proof positive that she yuvs her gramma. I'm just sayin'. . . . .


Elder Jack Anderson said...

Aaaaww! So cute! I looked closer and still can't tell you have no makeup on and your pjs are ador-ibble!

No permish needed.... post away.

Memzy said...

I'm actually gonna totally say yes to that video. Cuz I know I RAWKED it jazz style back in the day.

Clara is chubby. ::giggle::

Br Boys said...

I want to eat her chubby cheeks!